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ReCover CA Grant
Updated 05/10/24
ReCover CA Grant
You may qualify for up to $50,000 for home hardening and defensible space through the ReCoverCA Wildfire Mitigation Retrofit Program. In order to qualify, Napa County homeowners must:
Have occupied the home as their primary residence at the time of the 2020 LNU or Glass fires, and currently. Rentals or second homes are not eligible.
Be current on property and income taxes, and willing to provide documentation.
Be a US Citizen or qualified alien.
Priority is given to low and moderate-income households – those at or below 80% of area median income (for example, $106,700 for a four-person household).
If you meet all of the criteria and want more info, visit this website and attend the meetings mentioned below for more details. Please share this with your neighbors!
March 6, 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm: Join the Virtual Public Meeting to learn if you qualify.
March 15, 5:30 pm: ReCoverCA Wildfire Mitigation Retrofit Program meeting: hear from representatives from California Housing and Community Development at the Capell Valley Volunteer Fire Station 14, 1193 Capell Valley Road, Napa.
Napa County Fire Department
The Napa County Fire Department (NCFD) provides a free chipping service to all Napa County residents who live in a designated fire hazard zone – meaning most all of rural Napa. Below is a brief description of the program and a link to sign up. The chipping program typically starts in late Spring at which time a link and information will be provided here. The intent of the program is to encourage residents to comply with defensible space requirements of both the State and County, in addition to being Firewise. The program is not intended for commercial activities or general land clearing.
Starting April 2022!
To submit an application please fill out the application here